The Syrian Crisis
• The Syrian crisis is now in its fifth year. According to UNHCR, more than 3.88 million people have been displaced into the surrounding region and beyond as refugees. Desperate people who have been driven out of their homes by war are being forced to make dangerous journeys in search of sanctuary. Yet some European countries are closing their borders and turning many people away.
– Syrian Refugees Resettlement and New Neighbours Programmes: We supported Amirah Foundation’s Birmingham resettlement programme for Syrian refugees arriving in the UK, which provided a holistic package of support including emergency food, shelter, access to services and much needed trauma counselling.
Amirah Foundation supported the refugees with their job search, English language classes, supplementary education for their children, and the support needed to rebuild their lives. Through this programme we have been able to provide assistance to a total of 56 Syrian refugees in Birmingham.
– Syrian Children: In partnership with the Refugee Council, QCUK supported a total of 195 Syrian children and families who have arrived in the UK as ‘new neighbours’.
The council’s work deals with age disputes, therapeutic support and trafficking, as well as offering English and Maths Classes, Drama Therapy Groups and professional development workshops.